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The GPTO would like to thank everyone who came out last Thursday night to support the school in our fall

Art with an Appetite: Art & Tacos Party/Silent Auction fundraiser!

We had an AMAZING turnout (almost 400 attendees!) and so much fun! Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make the event successful. We especially want to thank Kellyn Gowen who stepped up to head the committee, and our talented PTO team who brought in some amazing event donors and auction items, created graphics and marketed the event, sold tickets, and managed all the behind-the-scenes event logistics. AND, thank you to all the parent volunteers who brought materials and food items, and helped with arts and crafts, music and announcing, food/drink serving, etc. You are ALL the best!

And a HUGE thank you to our amazing art teachers Ann Kling and Livia Carboni for the incredible sugar skulls, and artist Yancy Villa-Calvo for working with Ms. Carboni and her students to produce unique community-themed art pieces inspired by the city planning work of Memphis 3.0; the student's pieces were auctioned at the event. To all business owners, artists, and companies who donated over 80 items/experiences to the auction, thank you for your support.

Nothing, however, would be possible if we didn’t have such an amazing group of teachers and administrators who teach our kids a

ll day and then turn-around and serve cheese sauce to 400 people! We are lucky and greatly appreciate everything they do every single day.

If you have photographs from the event, please share them online with hashtag #DragonsLoveTacos. Several event photo albums can be found on the GPTO Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing you all again in the spring at the Dragon Dash 5K!!

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