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The 100th Day of School at Grahamwood!!

Grahamwood Elementary’s kindergartners celebrate the 100 th Day of School!

Grahamwood Elementary’s kindergartners celebrate the 100 th Day of School!

Grahamwood Elementary’s kindergartners celebrate the 100 th Day of School!

Grahamwood Elementary’s kindergarten students celebrated the 100th Day of School last week by dressing up as they imagine they will look at age 100. Additionally, their math lessons highlighted the number 100 and for art, they created necklaces of 100 beads. “It was great seeing the kindergarten kids dressed up and having fun while creatively learning about the number 100,” observed Assistant Principal Tia James. “I’m happy to report that the 100th Day of School celebration has become a beloved annual tradition for our kindergartners at Grahamwood.”

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