The Community Comes Together for Walk to School Day!

About 20 years ago, Grahamwood Elementary became the first Memphis school to host an International Walk to School Day. This year, FedEx, Safe Kids Inc., Le Bonheur, and the Memphis Police Department joined as students walked, biked, strolled and cheered their way from the Summer Avenue Kroger to Grahamwood. The event was organized by P.E. teachers Jo McCawley and Andrew Martin. The event was on October 2nd. The proceedings began at 8:00 a.m. where 600 students and stakeholders gathered in the Kroger parking lot and then, walked to school. Afterwards, presentations were made at the school where Florence “Flo” Wallace, Grahamwood’s beloved crossing guard who was recently struck by a vehicle while on the job, was honored. FedEx and Safe Kids employees read traffic safety stories to classes and provided students with books and a bag of goodies that also, encourage safety. “We’re thrilled to have the community show up to support Grahamwood. Thank you!”, said Principal Pete Johnson.