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Grahamwood Students Win Belz Art Awards

Celia with her award winning artwork!
Alyssa’s Award Winning Year of the Rat Drawing!
Alyssa showing off her 1st Place ribbon!

A big shout out goes to 3rd grader Alyssa Hope Walls (Assistant Principal Dr. Hope’s daughter) in Ms. Gabby Davis’ class and 1st grader Celia Mize in Ms. Paris’ class. Both of these students won 1st Place in their divisions (Alyssa grades 3-5 and Celia grades K-2) at the Belz Chinese New Year Art Competition. “I was shocked and surprised that I won”, said Alyssa. “I drew a picture of a rat because it’s the Chinese Year of the Rat.” The students won art sketchbooks, drawing supplies, gift cards, and tickets to the Orpheum. Additionally, their artwork was displayed for weeks on the walls of the Belz Museum of Asian & Judaic Art. Way to go, Alyssa and Celia!

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