Choices presented to Grahamwood 5th Grade Students

In case you somehow missed it, Grahamwood Elementary 5th grade students recorded an original song, “No School Today”, written by Dr. John, Ella, and Nate Bass (all members of the Grahamwood Optional family). What made this really cool was that it was done at Royal Studios by studio owner Boo Mitchell, Grammy Award winner for his part in recording the mega hit “Uptown Funk”. He also provided the students a personal tour of his studio. If that was not enough, these students also got to tour Elvis Presley’s first Memphis house, where he lived from 1956-1957 before moving to Graceland. In partnership with the Mike Curb Institute for Music at Rhodes College, the trip was arranged by Dr. John Bass as the culminating event of lessons he taught Grahamwood students on Memphis music and history, and on young people’s role in major world movements. “This was the best field trip and learning experience I have had in all my years of teaching,” exclaimed 5th grade teacher Rachel Helton. The students concurred.