Beloved Crossing Guard Flo is Back!
Today, the community welcomed back beloved Crossing Guard Florence “Flo” Wallace to Grahamwood Elementary School. Ms. Flo returned to her post this morning on Graham Street. At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Flo was struck by a car while helping students cross the 4-lane road. She was hospitalized and required several months to fully recover. Grahamwood’s PTO, FedEx, Safe Kids Inc., and Shelby County Schools are currently working together to install new school signs, flashing warning lights, and a new access road that will move the primary entrance to the school off of busy streets. Ms. Flo was welcomed with balloons, gifts, cheerleaders chanting her name, and $200 raised by Barbara Paris’ 1st grade students. “We’re very happy to have Ms. Flo back and are appreciative of all the support the community has shown her and Grahamwood. Thank you all!”, said Principal Pete Johnson.