Grahamwood Elementary, The Orpheum & The Kennedy Center Unite!
Grahamwood Elementary’s faculty began this school year in a truly unique way. As a part of our 2nd year of an exclusive 5 year pilot program with The Orpheum and the national Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, teachers and administrators spent a day downtown at The Orpheum’s Halloran Center learning about arts integration and how to connect art forms to subject areas.
The Kennedy Center’s Jamin Carter introduced teachers via hands-on activities and simulations to the tools needed to effectively utilize arts in the classroom by teaching students to lead.
To take this to the next level, Grahamwood Elementary students are being treated to at least 20 classroom visits from Kennedy Center traveling artists to move this concept to reality.
Second grade Optional teacher Sylvia Albert and CLUE teacher Laura Wilons are to be commended in their role for making this cooperative venture available for our students.