Grahamwood Elementary Votes!

Grahamwood Elementary students in Artis Walker’s 2nd grade class held a mock election with different types of candy as candidates. Students had to sign-up to get a Voter Registration Card with a photo ID. Students made campaign posters for their choice of the candy candidates—Twix, Laffy Taffy or Nerds.
Second grader Valarie Gray stated, “We wrote questions to ask the candy candidates.” As it turns out, each candy candidate had a student as their spokesperson who fielded these questions. Valarie adds, “My favorite part was when we voted. I voted for Nerds!”
Although it was a close race, after all the votes were tallied the Nerds won with Laffy Taffy coming in second. Afterwards, the students wrote a paper comparing and contrasting their candy candidate election to the real U. S. Presidential election and shared their findings with their classmates.