Grahamwood Gives!
Throughout the holiday season Grahamwood Elementary in partnership with a variety of community and global organizations has been focusing on giving.
The 5th grade CLUE students under the direction of their teacher Laura Wilons have collected money for Heifer International. The money collected will be used to buy llamas, chickens, goats and other animals that will help communities around the world sustain themselves.
Pre-K Teaching Assistant Cory Johnson has been involved with his B.A.C.K. (Building Active Confident Kids) group of fifteen 4th and 5th grade students in collecting needed supplies for the homeless at the Memphis Family Shelter and for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. They fill boxes full of toiletries, snacks and small gifts to make the daily lives of these displaced families a bit better. Johnson created the B.A.C.K. program because, “I love being around kids and teaching them to be better citizens by helping others and learning how to treat people right.”
Finally, 5th grade teachers Grace Henderson and Katelynn Meadows Optional students collected, wrapped and delivered 80 shoeboxes filled with small toys, games, gloves, toothbrushes, and much more to Operation Christmas Child. Henderson adds, “Our students also wrote the recipients a letter introducing themselves and wishing them a Happy Holidays!”